Friday, February 11, 2011

An Elephant Never Forgets. . . But Sometimes Mommies Do

A couple of days after I wrote Taylor's 19 month update, I realized there were a couple of other things that he did all of the time, that I didn't include.  So. . . I jotted them down on a sheet of paper and then they got covered up by a lot of "stuff" on the counter.  I found the list and decided I better add them, before I forget or the list gets thrown away!

So, here is the rest of your 19 month update Tay. . .

You have become obsessed with airplanes, and talk about them all of the time.  You love to look for them during the day time and get excited when you are inside and can hear them flying over our house.  But, your favorite thing, is to try and spot them at night.  You let the whole neighborhood know when you've spotted one by shouting "Airplane, airplane, airplane!"  It never gets old and if for some reason, you get cranky in the car, all I have to do is slide open the cover to the sun roof and say "Do you see any airplanes Tay?"  It's an instant "mood picker-upper" (for both of us).

Another thing that you have come to love, is the "This Little Piggie" rhyme.  We usually end up doing it at the end of dinner, when you wiggle your "little piggies" around.  You crack me up because when I get to the "and this little piggie had none" part, you shake your head and say "had none."  Now, you've gotten to the point where you try to say the rhyme after I do. 

We all know that you are obsessed with the move Cars (let's face it, it is beyond love).  You like saying Lightning McQueen, Sally, and helicopter, but our favorite thing to hear you say is "Diddle Dee."  Every time you saw a police car (in a movie, in a book, or in real life), we always said "There's Uncle D."  So, now whenever you see the sheriff in the movie you scream "Uncle Diddle Dee!"  It's the cutest thing ever, but the sad part is that Uncle D still hasn't heard you say it.

The last thing I forgot to mention in your update, is a little thing we like to call "The Clean Up Song."  I know, I know, it's such a "teacher" thing to do. . .but it works (at least for now).  After you have thrown every toy and book you own out of your toy box and baskets, I start singing "Clean up. . . Clean up. . . Everybody everywhere. . .Clean up. . . Clean up . . . Everybody do your share."  And believe it or not, you (usually) start cleaning up with me.  Whenever it's time to go somewhere I'll say "Okay Tay, it's time to clean up."  You'll usually hop off of the couch and start singing "eh up, eh up, eh up."  It cracks me up every time.

Sorry I forgot to add these to your last update buddy, but they were too cute to leave out!  Better late than never, right?  Love you Tater Tot!

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