Thursday, February 24, 2011

20 Terrific Months

Tay --

It's already that time again!  You are twenty months old today and unfortunately for you, it wasn't your best day ever.  Last night, when it was time to get ready to go to Bible study, I kissed your forehead and you felt pretty warm.  When Daddy saw you crawl up on the couch, cover yourself with the blanket, and turn your head away from the tv, we really knew something was wrong.  So, we gave you some Tylenol, a glass of chocolate, lots of hugs and kisses, and put you to bed.

This morning when you woke up, you were burning up and looked so pitiful.  You didn't want to eat anything.  So, after two glasses of chocolate milk, I called the doctor and made an appointment.  It breaks my heart when you get sick.  I wish I could swap places with you.

We spent about two hours at the doctor's office.  They weighed you and took your temperature.  You weighed 23 pounds even and were running a fever of 101.  We waited for Dr. Morgan in one of the rooms and you fell asleep on my chest.  After some poking, prodding, and a couple of swab tests, we found out that you have strep.

There was only one thing left to go. . . get ice cream from Chick-fil-A, of course!  Between ice cream, a new Cars toy, and a bouncy ball, you seemed to be feeling better.  What can I say?  Your Mama is a sucker for sick kids. . . especially her own!

You continue to amaze me from day to day.  Your never ending energy and sweet smile are two of the things I adore about you.  You don't know the meaning of walk.  Running or galloping (that's a new thing) are the only two speeds you seem to know these days.

I love how instead of crying when you wake up in the morning, you still say "Hey Mama. . . hey Mama!" until I come in, scoop you out of your bed, and kiss your little buddha belly.  You are talking all of the time now and starting to string words together.  During church the other day, you randomly starting singing "Where is Taylor."  Of course, the words were in your own language, but the tune was spot on.  I hated to have to tell you to be quiet because it was just so stinkin' cute.

You are quite the ham and love the spotlight.  The other night we said "Hey Taylor, do you want to take a bath?"  You did your little Fred Flinstone run over the the bottom of the stairs and started dancing up and down on your tippie toes.  It was hilarious.  I told your Daddy that we needed to video tape how excited you get about bath time, so he went and got the video camera.  This time, instead of climbing up the stairs as fast as you could and running into the bathroom, you climbed a couple of stairs, turned around and looked at the camera, then gave your Daddy your "big smile" and said "Ceese!" (Cheese).  Then you proceeded to turn around, climb a couple more stairs and do it again.  You made your Daddy and me laugh so hard.  It seems your Mama may have a camera around you a little too often.

Here's something you'll be surprised to find out. . . you love the movie Cars!  Shocker, right?  You have a whole bucket full of the characters from the movie and you can almost name them all.  Watching Cars continues to be our morning and night time ritual.  You start the movie when you wake up in the morning with your glass of chocolate milk and then end your day with Lightning McQueen and a glass of chocolate milk.  Life is good, huh buddy?

You have definitely earned your buddha belly.  You love to eat anything that your Mama and Daddy are eating.  Your favorites are still cheese, bread, and sweets (which your Daddy says you "get honest" from your Mama).  You'll eat any of them at pretty much any hour of the day.  It's fun to watch you eat mac and cheese because you take a bite or two and then smile and say "Mmmmmm. . . mmmmm!" and then have a big orange rim left around your mouth.  Sadly, I am guilty of the same thing!

One thing you have been able to do a lot over the last month is play with your friends.  Of course, you love seeing all of the girls at Mrs. Joanna's house, but you got to play with Evan, Brayden, and Clayton a lot lately.  We either go to Mrs. Kristin's house (and make a mess over there), meet at the park, or at Chick-fil-A.  I can't wait until summer when we will really be able to have some fun!


I love you sweetheart.  I could write on and on about you. . . but you want me to hold you while you watch Cars.  Happy 20 Months love!  I hope you feel better soon.

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