Monday, January 17, 2011

Wolf Ridge Ski Resort

Friday, January 14th turned out to be a big day for us.  Taylor went potty in his "big boy" toilet for the first time and that night was the first time that he spent the night over at Mimi and G-Daddy's without us.  Brent and I dropped him off with all of his "stuff" and a detailed note for Mimi telling her his schedule.  I never thought leaving him for the night would be that hard.  Maybe it was because we had a three hour drive ahead of us and that was all I could think about or maybe it's because that little boy has just wiggled his way into my every day/night routine. . . whatever it was, it was hard for me to concentrate on anything but him. 

That was the first time since Brent and I had to leave him in the NICU over night that I didn't get to kiss him or snuggle with him before bed.  It was definitely harder on me than him because every time I called or spoke to my mom or dad, he was playing or laughing or running around finding something else to get into.  Hopefully, it will be easier next time. . . at least on me!

Once Brent and I made it to the hotel in Asheville and got unpacked, I was much better.  Brent spent most of the night trying to get my bindings adjusted on my snowboard so they felt just right.  Even though we got there at a decent hour, we didn't go to bed until almost two in the morning.

The next morning came bright and early and after eating a quick breakfast, we were on the road and on our way to Wolf Ridge Ski Resort.  It's no Lake Tahoe, but it is pretty nice considering we are in the south and it will do in a pinch.  We had a great day.  The weather was nice, the sun was out, and they had a good bit of snow piled up.  I hadn't ridden in a couple of years, so I was hoping it was like riding a bike.  Luckily for me, it was and it didn't take too long until I got the hang of it again. 

Of course, Brent and I bit it pretty hard a couple of times.  Especially, when we got brave and tried to hit a couple of jumps.  We had fun acting like a couple of kids.  It was so nice to be able to spend the day together and just enjoy one another's company.  Here are a couple of my favorite pictures from the day:

Even though it's fun to get away for a little while, there's no place like home.  Especially, when all of us are there together! 

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