Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One Clever Kid

Sometimes, I am completely amazed at the things Tay says and does.  Last night was no exception.  My Women's League team had a soccer game, so while I was getting dressed, I decided to bring my bag in the living room so I could put on my shin guards and socks and still keep an eye on Taylor while he watched Cars.  When I was all finished and starting to pack things up and get ready to go, Taylor looked through the side of a mesh pocket and saw the top on a bottle of Gatorade.  "Ju, ju, ju," he said (asking me for juice).  "That's not juice buddy, that's Gatorade," I said.  He looked back at it again and pointed to the orange top and said "Dadda, Dadda."  That completely cracked me up because there are lots of nights that Brent will drink Gatorade with dinner and when Taylor asks for some of his "ju, ju" we say, "That's Daddy's juice."

Later on that night, when we got home from my game, it was time to get ready for bed.  After getting Tay a new diaper and changing him into his p.j.s, it was time to snuggle.  I fixed his chocolate milk and snuggled with him on the couch.  When he was finished with his milk, he handed it to me and I said, "Okay buddy, it's time to go night night in Taylor's bed," to which he immediately replied "Nooooooo" (in his playful voice).  I thought it was cute, but didn't let him see me smile.  "Alright buddy, time to go night night," I said again.  This time, he layed down on my chest, turn his face to the side, and started to fake snore!  This time, I couldn't help but laugh.  I cracked up, which only made him do it again and snore louder. 

This little boy is too small to be doing these things.  I think we are going to be in trouble when he gets a little older. . .

Monday, January 24, 2011

19 Months in the New Year

My Little Tater Tot --
You are 19 months old today!  Before we know it, it will be June and you will be turning two.  You are getting to be such a big boy these days.  You are turning into quite the little "clown."  There is never a dull moment in our house, because you keep us on our toes all day long. 

This last month has brought on a new year.  On New Year's Eve, we went over to Mimi and G-Daddy's house for dinner and to play games.  Daddy smoked a Boston butt and Mama made snowman cupcakes for dessert.  While you played with all of your toys, we played "Farckle" and another game called "Would You Rather."  Aunt Jessie and Uncle Patrick came into town and Aunt Manda was there too.  You had a good time annoying Cinnamon and trying to "help" G-Daddy play the game.

Daddy had to work on New Year's Day, so we went back over to Mimi and G-Daddy's house for a traditional dinner.  You are still a pretty adventurous eater and will usually try anything (at least once).  We had a lot to thank God for and prayed that he would bless us in the new year (and take care of Daddy, of course).

This last month has been filled with a bunch of "firsts," lots of snow and the word "no."  It started snowing the night of Sunday, January 9th and it decided to stick around for a while.  Because of the amount of snow (and all of the ice), they ended up cancelling school for the entire week, so we got to spend a lot of time playing in the snow, eating pancakes, and just lounging around in our p.j.s.  You had fun riding on the tube and playing with Ryleigh, but hated getting all of your layers on.

While you continue to learn new words every day, your favorite word these days is "no."  It seems to be the answer to every question and you think it is hilarious.  Daddy and I think it's pretty funny when you say it in your playful tone and drag it out into a four syllable "nooooooooooooooooo" other times, it is not quite so cute. What can I say buddy, you are an absolute mess!

These days, you don't walk anywhere. . . you have two speeds -- run and sprint!  It's hard to keep you still unless you are ready to eat (and you go over to your chair and try to climb up into it) or watching Cars (which we still watch at least once a day).  Other than that, your Daddy and I have to always be ready to chase you down.  Lately, it's been pretty difficult for you to get through Sunday morning worship at church.  You either feel the need to stand up on the pew, turn around, and say "hi" to everyone you can see or try to tell us everything on your mind using your loudest "outside voice."  Needless to say, your Daddy and I play "tag team" when it comes to taking you out to the nursery.

Over the course of this last month, you have started to cut one of your canine teeth (the one on the right hand side - when I am looking at you).  I am pretty sure you've started cutting your two year old molars too, because you usually have got your hand (or anything else you can find) pushed all the way in the back of your mouth.  I haven't been brave enough to stick my finger all the way back there because you've tried to use it for a "chew toy" before and it didn't feel so good.

One exciting thing you have started to do is use the potty.  On Friday, January 14th, you went pee pee in your big boy frog potty for the first time.  It was unexpected and your Daddy and I both got a kick out of it.  You looked at us like we were crazy, but then loved all of the attention you got, not to mention the Smarties you got to eat.  For four days straight, you went to the bathroom once during the day.  Since then, you've gone here and there, but we haven't pushed it.  I'm hoping that as long as you keep showing interest, potty training may not be too tough.

Another "first" for you, was spending the night by yourself over at Mimi and G-Daddy's house.  Daddy and I went to North Carolina to go snowboarding, so you got to spend the night being spoiled and having fun.  I wasn't sure how you would do, but Mimi said you were great. . . it ended up being Mama that had a hard time!  I never knew I spending the night away from you would be so hard on me.  When we came to pick you up the next night, you were "hard at play" and Mimi, G-Daddy, Aunt Manda, and Cinnamon were all worn out and curled up on the couch.

Tonight, you got to see your Nana and Papa.  They both came over to visit you and we talked them into staying for dinner.  You felt it necessary to "show out" for a little while. . . just so you could make sure that they didn't forget about you.

You are one lucky little boy Tay.  You have so many people that love you.  I know I may be a little bious, since I am your Mama, but I think you are an amazing gift from God.  For such a little boy, you have such a big heart and you find a way each day to you show your Daddy and me how much you love us.  Happy 19 months my little love!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Wolf Ridge Ski Resort

Friday, January 14th turned out to be a big day for us.  Taylor went potty in his "big boy" toilet for the first time and that night was the first time that he spent the night over at Mimi and G-Daddy's without us.  Brent and I dropped him off with all of his "stuff" and a detailed note for Mimi telling her his schedule.  I never thought leaving him for the night would be that hard.  Maybe it was because we had a three hour drive ahead of us and that was all I could think about or maybe it's because that little boy has just wiggled his way into my every day/night routine. . . whatever it was, it was hard for me to concentrate on anything but him. 

That was the first time since Brent and I had to leave him in the NICU over night that I didn't get to kiss him or snuggle with him before bed.  It was definitely harder on me than him because every time I called or spoke to my mom or dad, he was playing or laughing or running around finding something else to get into.  Hopefully, it will be easier next time. . . at least on me!

Once Brent and I made it to the hotel in Asheville and got unpacked, I was much better.  Brent spent most of the night trying to get my bindings adjusted on my snowboard so they felt just right.  Even though we got there at a decent hour, we didn't go to bed until almost two in the morning.

The next morning came bright and early and after eating a quick breakfast, we were on the road and on our way to Wolf Ridge Ski Resort.  It's no Lake Tahoe, but it is pretty nice considering we are in the south and it will do in a pinch.  We had a great day.  The weather was nice, the sun was out, and they had a good bit of snow piled up.  I hadn't ridden in a couple of years, so I was hoping it was like riding a bike.  Luckily for me, it was and it didn't take too long until I got the hang of it again. 

Of course, Brent and I bit it pretty hard a couple of times.  Especially, when we got brave and tried to hit a couple of jumps.  We had fun acting like a couple of kids.  It was so nice to be able to spend the day together and just enjoy one another's company.  Here are a couple of my favorite pictures from the day:

Even though it's fun to get away for a little while, there's no place like home.  Especially, when all of us are there together! 

Friday, January 14, 2011

It's "Potty" Time!

Today, after Tay woke up from his nap, we were watching Cars and eating a snack when he pointed to his diaper and said "poo poo."  We thought, why not give it a go and let him sit on the toilet.  The "big" toilet was way too big and way too cold for him, so I ran upstairs and grabbed his little frog toilet.  We took off his little diaper and put him on it.  He smiled at Brent and me and pushed out a couple of "poots" )which is what I think he was trying to say originally).  He was very proud of himself.  He got up and sat back down and then pushed really hard and hopped up.  We couldn't believe that there was actually pee in that little toilet.

We made the biggest deal about it and even gave him a piece of toilet paper to use and stick in it.  Even Bruiser celebrated with us.  Who knew that one day I would become this excited over a little boy peeing in a little green plastic frog?  Being a parent changes everything! 

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

It is Friday, January 14th and we have officially been out of school all week!  The snow came falling down hard Sunday night, around 9:00 pm and it was absolutely beautiful.  The snowflakes were huge and when I stepped outside in the middle of our yard, I imagined that's what must feel like to be inside of a snowglobe.  The snow was coming down so hard that Brent decided to leave that night to make sure he could get to the station, since he was on shift the next day. 


The next day, when Taylor and I woke up, everything was covered in white.  We got all bundled up (which seems to take forever when you are getting a little one dressed) and went outside to play in the snow.  Tay had so many layers on, he looked like Randy from A Christmas Story.  He couldn't even put his arms by his side!

We spent the morning (and the next several days) playing with Ryleigh.  Taylor loved riding down the "hill" on the tube.  He wanted to play in the snow, but wasn't a fan of wearing mittens, so when he put both hands down into it he smiled and laughed. . . that is until he realized his hands were wet and cold.  He quickly learned the smart thing to do was grab a little bit of snow, put it in his mouth, and then give his Mama his hands and let her warm them up.

Over the next couple of days, the snow quickly turned to ice and we spent most of our time playing inside.  We ate lots of pancakes and waffles, drank hot chocolate, and turned the living room into a giant play room. 

We were all glad when Brent was able to make it home on Tuesday morning.  We were able to spend a little bit of time outside sliding on the ice and admiring Ryleigh's snowman.  By Wednesday, I had cabin fever, so just getting out and being able to go to the grocery store was a treat. 

It's been fun spending time with Tay and getting to just be a "mama" for the last week.  I hope I remember that when we get those "snow make-up days" added on to the end of our school year!

Monday, January 3, 2011

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

It's hard to believe that Christmas has already come and gone and that we are already celebrating a new year!  We have been so busy lately, that I haven't really had time to catch up on the blog, so I thought I would share some of our favorite Christmas memories.

This Christmas was new and exciting because Brent wasn't on shift and we all got to wake up together Christmas morning in our own house.  It was also a little sad, because it was the first time in 29 years that I wasn't at my Grandma's house (in Florida) on Christmas day with the rest of my family.  The good news is that we got to start some of our own traditions and then Tay and I got to visit everyone else the day after Christmas. 

On Christmas Eve, I felt like a kid all over again.  I was so excited thinking about Santa visiting Taylor that I had a hard time falling asleep.  When he woke up Christmas morning, Brent had the video camera all ready to go.  Taylor was so cute in his little Santa footies and I loved seeing his face when he saw his "big chair" with all of his goodies.

He took everything off of his chair and started "reading" his "Cars" book. . . that is, until he realized that a bunch of those presents under the tree were for him too!  We had so much fun watching him tear the paper off of the boxes and seeing the excitement in his eyes when he opened something new.  He really got to enjoy everything this year.  Brent's gifts to me were fun and thoughtful.  One of my favorites was a photography class he had registered me for, which he stuck inside of a new snowboard jacket.

After all the presents had been opened, I cooked pancakes.  When we had all stuffed our bellies full, we went back to the living room to play with all of Tay's toys.  We spent the day in our pajamas and just enjoyed being together.

Nana and Papa came over and ate lunch with us.  Brent smoked some beef brisket and then it was back to opening presents again.  Taylor had fun playing with his new toys and loving on his grandparents.  When they left to go home, we were all way overdue for a nap!  Snowflakes were starting to fall and so were our eyelids.
When we woke up, the ground was covered in a white blanket of snow.  It was absolutely beautiful.  Taylor had a hard time trying to figure out what it was, but liked scraping it off of the mailbox and putting it in his mouth.  We spent the rest of the night over at our neighbor's house playing Wii and watching Taylor and Ryleigh attempt to share their toys. . . it's a work in progress.

 The next day, Brent was off to work and Tay and I were off to Grandma's house!  While we missed Daddy a lot, we had fun spending time with "Gigi," Mimi and G-Daddy, and the rest of our aunts, uncles, and cousins.  One of Taylor's favorite presents he got was his Dirt Devil vacuum from Mimi and G-Daddy.  His only problem was trying to figure out how he could sweep and vacuum at the same time! 

While we were down there, we got to take a "four generations" picture with my Grandma, my Dad, Taylor and me.  I hope that one day, he will cherish it as much as I do.  Before we left, we got to take a quick trip to the beach to take some pictures and write Daddy a message in the sand.

This Christmas was definitely one of my favorites.  It was filled with friends, family, and lots of love.  God has truly blessed us this year and I pray that he continues to do so in 2011.  Happy New Year to everyone!  May this be your best year yet!