Monday, July 23, 2012

Bringing Home Blake

My Sweet Baby Blake,

Hello my little love!  You have been named our "miracle baby."  You beat lots of odds buddy and for a while there, it looked like you were going to make a very early appearance.  We have wonderful family and friends that constantly prayed for you and thankfully, God answered all of our prayers because you are here, safe and sound, and everything is alright.

It's hard to believe that you are already a week old.  Sunday night, we were all relaxing in the living room and I looked at my phone.  It was 8:51 pm and we couldn't believe that a week and one minute ago, you were seeing the world for the first time.  I have a lot to tell you and want to make sure I get most of it down in writing, so that one day, you will know how much you were loved, before you even got here.

The night of Sunday, July 15th, your Daddy was on shift at the fire station and G-Daddy had come over to sit with Taylor and me at the house, so that Mimi could go to church.  Around 6:00 pm, I started bleeding.  You and I had been on bed rest for about 12 weeks and it had been several weeks since I had any "new" bleeding.  The clot I passed was about the size of an egg, so I called your Daddy and we decided it was best to go ahead and call the doctor at the hospital.  Dr. Campbell said that we needed to go ahead and come in and they would have a room ready for us.  Usually, the bleeding would stay the same or slow down, so we were hoping we could just wait it out at the hospital until Tuesday, when your scheduled c-section was...but as we've learned over the past several months, things don't always go as we planned. 

Once Mimi got home, G-Daddy and I headed to the hospital.  To my surprise, things didn't taper off.  Instead, the bleeding didn't stop and contractions started.  Dr. Campbell was on call and when she came in the room to see us, she said that the specialists had told them that if the bleeding started back up again, they needed to go ahead and get you out of there!  The contractions got stronger and the bleeding got heavier, so we were told that there wasn't time for an epidural.  They would have to give me a spinal and they were considering this an "urgent" c-section (which we knew was an emergency c-section because we had been there before with your big brother).  Daddy was able to get to the hospital in time to hear Dr. Campbell's plan.  I was hoping to get a picture with your Daddy and Taylor before going to the operating room, but Dr. Campbell said we had to go right away, so I was able to kiss Tay as they were wheeling me out the door.

During the operation, I was able to stay awake and Daddy got to come inside and sit beside me.  He got to see them taking you out of my belly too.  You were crying before they even got you all of the way out and it was one of the most beautiful sounds that I have ever heard.  There was a lot going through my mind.  I wanted to hear you cry, to know that you were okay and then I wanted the doctor and the nurses to look over you and check you to see that everything else was alright.  There were several things that the specialists were watching and we weren't sure what the outcome would be until you arrived.  When you get bigger, Daddy and I will tell you all about it.  For now, you just need to know that you are safe, happy, and loved beyond measure.

In the operating room, Daddy got to take some pictures and he went and videotaped you right away and brought the camera over to me, so I could see you.  You were absolutely perfect and I couldn't believe that you were actually here.  Daddy got to cut your umbilical cord and then they took you back to our room to weigh you and clean you up, while they put "Mommy back together again."

You were born on July 15th at 8:50 pm. You weighed 6 lbs 10.8 oz and were 19 1/4 inches long.  Not too shabby, considering you were born at 36 (almost 37) weeks.

When we got back to the room, your big brother Taylor, Mimi, and G-Daddy were anxiously awaiting your arrival.  In the waiting room, your Nana and Papa, Aunt Holly, Uncle Noel, Aunt Jessie, Uncle Patrick, Mr. Allen, Mrs. Ruth, and Mrs. Kay were all patiently waiting to come back and meet you for the first time.  I can't even tell you how many thousands of prayers went up for you buddy.  Our family, friends, and people we had never even met before prayed and prayed that you would be healthy and safe and by the grace of God, you were all of those things.

You spent Sunday night in the NICU, just so they could watch your breathing and make sure you weren't distressed.  It was probably better, because I was sick most of the night and into the morning.  When the nurse finally wheeled you in the next day and told us you could stay in our room, Daddy and I were thrilled.  Your breathing looked good and they weren't concerned any more.  A pediatrician came in to check you over and we learned that you were tongue-tied.  Daddy and I thought that was a small problem when compared to everything else that we had all been through.

Family and friends came each day to see you, hug you, and love on you.  Gigi came all the way from Florida to see you!  Aside from your Mommy and Daddy, the person that was in love with you from the moment he saw you was your big brother, Taylor.  He absolutely adores you and couldn't believe that you were finally out of my tummy.  The first thing he asks about every morning is you!  He loves to kiss, hug, and sing to "Baby Blake."  


We got to take you home Wednesday afternoon and were greeted by blue balloons on the mailbox and an "It's a Boy!" banner hanging from the front porch.  It wasn't until that night, when we were all in the living room, that everything hit me all at once.  Tears of joy started streaming down my face and didn't stop for a while.  My heart was so full as I finally came to the realization that there was no more bed rest, or waiting, or stays in the hospital... Daddy and I had been blessed with two beautiful and healthy boys.

Welcome to the world sweetheart.  You're going to love your life...
